Hand2Mind Numberblocks Express Train
Original price was: Rp400,000.Rp320,000Current price is: Rp320,000.
Diskon 20%In stock
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Weight | 550 g |
Dimensions | 11 × 11 × 15 cm |
SKU | HM96094 |
Category | 2-4 years, 4-6 years, 6-8 years, 8+ years, Early Childhood & Pretend Play, Hand2Mind, Maths, Numberblocks |
Naiklah ke Numberblocks Express untuk berlatih keterampilan matematika dasar.
Selesaikan berbagai tantangan menghitung, menambah, dan mengurangi untuk menghentikan Numberblocks Express. Terinspirasi oleh episode favorit penggemar, anak-anak akan senang merakit karakter One hingga Five dan membangun kereta mereka sendiri dari MathLink Cubes.
Potongan-potongan yang tahan lama dan mudah dipegang termasuk roda, gerbong kereta dengan mesin, dan bahkan kepulan uap!
Termasuk 10 aktivitas matematika dasar pada 5 Kartu Aktivitas bolak-balik! Kartu aktivitas visual tanpa teks membimbing pelajar muda untuk mengidentifikasi angka, menghitung, menambah, mengurangi, membuat 5, dan banyak lagi.
Set ini mencakup 21 MathLink Cubes, 5 Numberlings, 30 Potongan Kereta, 5 Potongan Kargo, 1 Lembar Stiker, 5 Kartu Aktivitas Bolak-balik dengan 1 Dudukan, 1 Panduan Aktivitas.
Hop aboard the Numberblocks Express to practice early math skills.
Complete a range of counting, adding and subtracting challenges to stop the Numberblocks Express.
Inspired by the fan-favorite episode, children will love assembling characters One to Five and building their own train out of MathLink Cubes.
The durable, easy-to-handle pieces include wheels, train cars with an engine, and even a puff of steam!
Includes 10 early math activities on 5 double-sided Activity Cards! Text-free visual activity cards guide young learners to identify numbers, count, add, subtract, make 5, and more.
This set includes 21 MathLink Cubes, 5 Numberlings, 30 Train Pieces, 5 Cargo Pieces, 1 Sticker Sheet, 5 Double-sided Activity, Cards with 1 Stand, 1 Activity Guide
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